Restart Outlook for this change to take effect. Microsoft Outlook 2011 is the version of Outlook available for computers running Apples OSX (if you have a Mac and your using Outlook, this is probably. and I hope other publishers will work to create Ebook versions that are as good. Ĭlick the profile that you want, click Set the default profile, and then click Set as Default. Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2011 Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft)). Ctrl+click or right-click Microsoft Outlook, and then click Show Package Contents.ģ.Open Contents > SharedSupport, and then double-click Outlook Profile Manager.Ĥ.Do one of the following: Create a new profileĬlick the Create a new profile button, and then type a name for the new profile.ĭouble-click the profile, and then type a new name for the profile.Ĭlick the profile that you want to remove, and then click the Delete the selected profile button.From Finder, open the Applications folder.The Outlook Profile Manager (Microsoft Database Utility) allows you to create new profiles, delete, edit and set a default profile, so that when Outlook opens, the default profile will always display. File As, Spouse, Children and Custom fields 1-10 are not supported in Apple Contacts/Address Book, thus will not sync between Outlook and DejaOffice. NOTE: Outlook 2011 for Mac, profiles were called identities.